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DTD will build teh WWTP of El Viso Villaralto

This treatment plant, based on a process of Rotating Biological Contactors, has been in satisfactory service since 2010 and has a treatment capacity for about 4,800 e.h.


The toughening of the discharge requirements by HPP Guadiana, with the requirement to eliminate Nitrogen and Phosphorus, forces a comprehensive remodeling of the process line, since it was not conceived for this purpose.


DTD has been awarded the Project and Work tender called by EMPROACSA, the solution consisting of the conversion to a suspended cultivation process, with alternation of anoxic and aerated areas, taking advantage of the existing infrastructure in part. The amount of the awarded works is € 302,250 and the execution period is 10 months, including start-up. This award once again endorses DTD's track record in plant adaptation and process reengineering projects.

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